By Grant Hayter-Menzies
Foreword by Linda Rogers
Heritage House Publishing
ISBN 9781772034615
Softcover | Publication Date: October 3, 2023
Interview on Freddie - Teresa J. Rhyne, Dogs & Books
"The death of an adopted rescue dog has inspired a new book" - Gloria Macarenko, CBC Radio On The Coast
"Celebrating "Freddie: The Rescue Dog Who Rescued Me," Grant Hayter-Menzies' New Book" - Ken Dolan-Del Vecchio and Nancy Saxton-Lopez, The Pet Loss Companion
"Freddie's Roller Coaster Journey: Puppy Mill to Loving Home" - Dr. Marc Bekoff, Psychology Today
Save a Pooch: Episode 58 - "From Puppy Mill to Loving Home: How One Man Rescued and Rehabilitated His Best Friend" - Beverly Isla, PetLifeRadio.com
"Who Rescued Whom?" - Tracie Hotchner, Dog Talk ™(And Kitties Too!)
Donna Seebo Show

"Grant Hayter-Menzies has immortalized his beloved dog Freddie in this charming book. His tribute to a very special little dog is both poignant and insightful, showing us how much dogs can teach us about love." - Valerie Green, The British Columbia Review
"Grant Hayter-Menzies’s heartwarming memoir Freddie is about the rescue dog who became his rescuer... a potent memoir about a special dog’s second chance at life." - Kristine Morris, Foreword
"Hayter-Menzies dreamed about him, penned a nine-page love letter to him, prayed for him, and even consulted a fortune teller who claimed the little guy had healing powers. Freddie teaches readers that “when you save a life, you change more than the life saved." - David Venn, The Literary Review of Canada
Advance Praise
“When I met Freddie in Vancouver, it was love at first sight. There was something about his expressive golden brown eyes that seemed so wise and insightful as he sized me up. To my relief, I passed the Freddie test, and we were instant friends—something I didn’t realize he reserved for a lucky few until I read Grant Hayter-Menzies’s resonant tribute to this most special dog.
"In learning about Freddie, we also learn about Hayter-Menzies’s life, and how both overcame overwhelming obstacles—in part because of each other. Their profound bond is something anyone who has ever loved a dog will understand. Freddie was a small dog, but he was larger than life, and this true tale is an inspiring, heartwarming read.”
—Maria Goodavage, New York Times bestselling author of Doctor Dogs, Top Dog, Secret Service Dogs, and Soldier Dogs
“This heartfelt and charming book tells the story of how Freddie, a special little dog adopted from the BC SPCA, overcame his difficult start in life and learned to be a dog and best friend. Grant Hayter-Menzies illustrates the beauty of the human-animal bond in his reflections on how Freddie and the other animals in his life have influenced his writing, including biographies of several famous pets. Rags, Muggins, and Flush all make an appearance in this personal, insightful, and surprising account of just how much dogs mean to us. You will feel like Freddie is with you long after you finish this touching book.”
—Zazie Todd, PhD, author of Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy
By Grant Hayter-Menzies
Foreword by Jordan R. Young
McFarland & Company, Inc.
ISBN 9781476689470
Softcover | Publication Date: April 26, 2023
"A Focus on Emily Dickinson Leads to a Profound Exploration of the Poetry of Existence" - Carl Rollyson, New York Sun

With a writer who had never written a play, an actress who had never taken the stage alone, and a director who had never headed a live performance, The Belle of Amherst managed to become an American theater classic. Despite being savaged by critics attending its opening night in April 1976, the play, which details the life of Emily Dickinson, survived its baptism by fire and went on to appear in theaters across the world.
This is the remarkable untold story of “the little play that could.” Covering the play’s humble beginnings as well as its pioneers—like writer William Luce, director Charles Nelson Reilly and actress Julie Harris—this work also documents the modern efforts to keep the play alive in the time of COVID-19. Exploring the show’s enduring dramatic power, this book ultimately pays respect to the one-woman show that has triumphed for decades.
Advance Praise
“Grant Hayter-Menzies was the companion, caretaker, and archivist of a great American playwright, but he is also a writer of uncommon perceptiveness and grace. In this book, Grant gives us a probing backstage look at William Luce’s most celebrated work; at the same time, he shows us a literary friendship that is in itself worthy of a play.”—James Gavin, author of Stormy Weather: The Life of Lena Horne and Is That All There Is? The Strange Life of Peggy Lee
“Hayter-Menzies has composed a poetic, touching, and insightful tribute worthy of his subjects. Julie Harris, Charles Nelson Reilly, and the Belle herself would delight in their portraits, but most of all, this work reveals the gifted, glorious, funny, witty, sly, and brilliant William Luce. In the most heartfelt, honest, and compassionate prose, Hayter-Menzies has brought Luce into the light!”—John W. Lowell, award-winning playwright, author of Autumn Canticle and The Letters
“In Staging Emily Dickinson, Grant Hayter-Menzies gives us the full story of how Julie Harris, playwright William Luce, and director Charles Nelson Reilly came together to give the world the beautiful and still-traveling play The Belle of Amherst. A book like this does not come along often. Make an appointment to spend time with it.”—James Grissom, author of Follies of God: Tennessee Williams and the Women of the Fog
“Hayter-Menzies has given us a fascinating and fully realized look into how three artistic geniuses forged their creative prowess into one of the greatest American plays of the 20th century. Gorgeously told, with unstoppable cadence and powerful imagery, the book is refreshingly candid with an inspired blending of courage and grace. A valuable work for anyone concerned with the theater.”—Bill Haworth, crisis communications specialist, former award-winning broadcast reporter

The Life and Afterlife of a Canadian Canine War Hero
By Grant Hayter-Menzies
Foreword by Mark Zuehlke
Heritage House
ISBN 9781772033717
Softcover | Publication Date: September 21, 2021
The unusual and moving tale of Muggins, a famed fundraising dog who became a mascot of the Canadian Red Cross during the First World War.
Based on valuable documents, memorabilia, newspaper and newsreel accounts of Muggins’s brief but brilliant career, this book tackles the difficult question of human use of animals in war, at home and on the battlefield. It explores how crucial animals, specifically dogs, have been to wounded veterans recovering from physical and emotional damage—both in Muggins’s lifetime and now.
To see a newsreel clip of Muggins in action, circa 1917, check out this link.
Press on Muggins
"Muggins the First World War hero dog finds new home at Victoria Legion" - Adam Chan, CHEK News
"Muggins, the wartime fundraising dog, finds forever home" - Roxane Egan-Elliott, Times Colonist
"The Rediscovery of Muggins" - Grant Hayter-Menzies, Heritage House News
"Muggins: The Life and Afterlife of a Canadian Canine War Hero" - BC Studies, Jody Hodgins
"Sidney author fills in the story of of famous local dog Muggins" - Oak Bay News
"Muggins, the island's canine war hero," MicCHECK with Joe Perkins
"How a local Victoria dog became a hero of the First World War", Capital Daily
"How Victoria's society women defied norms to raise funds for war effort ... with a little canine help," Times Colonist
"Muggins: The Life And Afterlife Of A Canadian Canine War Hero with Grant Hayter-Menzies", OTD In Canadian History
"Remembering Muggins, Victoria’s four-legged war hero", Joe Perkins, CHEK News
ActiveHistory.ca - History Slam 201: A Canadian Canine War Hero, by Sean Graham
Woo, The Monkey Who Inspired Emily Carr:
A Biography
by Grant Hayter-Menzies
Foreword by Anita Kunz, OC
Introduction by Andrew Westoll
A lyrical biography of Emily Carr’s beloved and enigmatic pet monkey, Woo.
Published by Douglas & McIntyre (Canada)
The author will donate 40% of royalties to Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary in Sunderland, Ontario.
'Woo', by Pockets Warhol, 2017.
Author's collection. All rights reserved.
Click on image to be taken to Pockets' web site.
Featured in the book is the life story of Pockets Warhol, a white capped capuchin monkey at Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary who began creating paintings in 2011 and whose works are now in the collections of animal welfare pioneer Dr Jane Goodall, among others. Sales benefit the Sanctuary, and Pockets' paintings are beautiful. Click on the image at left to purchase your own Pockets painting today!
Press on Woo
The Writer's Pet: Grant Hayter-Menzies and Woo: Dr Zazie Todd, Companion Animal Psychology
Lynn Pickering of The County Writes...The County Reads, 99.3 FM Prince Edward County, ON, with author Grant Hayter-Menzies and actor Joan McBride
"Portrait of Pockets", a CBC Short Docs documentary about Pockets Warhol, the sanctuary that rescued him, and the art that rescues all, directed by Brina Romanek - CBCDocs
"Victoria author pens biography of Emily Carr's monkey, Woo" - Victoria News
"Emily Carr's monkey takes centre stage in new book" - Vancouver Sun
"Book explores complicated story of Emily Carr and her captive monkey" - CBC British Columbia
CBC Radio North By Northwest with Sheryl MacKay (at 1:46:09)
"Animal Magic" - Montecristo Magazine
Afternoons with Mark Brennae, CFAX1070: Grant Hayter-Menzies and Charmaine Quinn with Mark Brennae.
Advance praise...
“This is an extraordinary, profound, poignant and true story, brilliantly and fascinatingly told.”
—Virginia McKenna, actor, author and co-founder of the Born Free Foundation
“Woo, the Monkey Who Inspired Emily Carr will certainly provoke reflections about our own animal companions: how we live with them, how they live with us.”
—Randy Malamud, author author of Poetic Animals and Animal Souls and Reading Zoos
“What animates this tale with force and purpose is the author’s profound respect for animals. ... readers are brought face to face with what it means to be a human guardian to an animal, wild or domesticated, and how tragically such a loving relationship can end.”
—Lorna Crozier, author of The Wild In You and God of Shadows
Truthful and tender, a meticulously researched and fine reflection on the connection between art and animals.
—Anny Scoones, author of Island Home

February 9, 2020 - 2-4 pm: Book talk at Sooke Region Museum
March 7, 8:15-10 pm: 'In Search of Emily Carr’s Woo: Monkey, Muse, Mystery' at the Vancouver Institute, Vancouver BC
March 7, 7-9 pm: Launch, reading and signing at Massy Books in Vancouver
March 12, 7-9 pm: Reading and signing at Bolen Books in Victoria
March 16, 1-4 pm: Reading and signing at Indigo in Mayfair Mall in Victoria
June 1-8, 11 am-4 pm: Reading and signing at Emily Carr House in Victoria, in tandem with the west coast debut of Pockets Warhol. He has created twelve new paintings, each using colours from a famous Emily Carr landscape. All sales benefit Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary.

The Lost War Horses of Cairo: The Passion of Dorothy Brooke
by Grant Hayter-Menzies
Foreword by Monty Roberts
Introduction by Sir Evelyn Webb-Carter
The tragic, inspiring true story of an Englishwoman's lifelong effort to save British warhorses abandoned in Egypt after 1918.
The author donates 40% of his royalties off sales back to Mrs Brooke's charity for working equines.
“A tribute to a courageous woman who worked to reduce suffering.”
—Temple Grandin, author of Animals Make Us Human
“This book is a superb tribute to Dorothy Brooke and to her belief that such a charitable venture would form ‘a fitting part of a War Memorial.’ . . . Utterly compelling.”
—Joanna Lumley, actress and advocate for human rights and animal welfare
Published in the US by Potomac Books in November 2017 - in the UK by Allen & Unwin in February 2018, and now available in paperback!
Available through Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, or through any on line or neighbourhood bookseller.
Click image for my blog post in honor of
National Dog Week,
courtesy of
Potomac Books/University of Nebraska Press
"The Dog Who Had a Soul", by Minna Irving (1865-1940) Video designed by Matthew Scheller and Sean Menzies. Voice-over by Grant Hayter-Menzies. Photos courtesy of Jay and Judy Butkus and the Hon. Raymond G. H. Seitz.
Click the image above for
some observations on my Remembrance Day book signing in Sidney, British Columbia.

From Stray Dog to World War I Hero
The Paris Terrier Who Joined the First Division
by Grant Hayter-Menzies
Foreword by Pen Farthing
Introduction by Paul E. Funk II
From Stray Dog to World War I Hero covers Rags’s entire life story, from the bomb-filled years of war through his secret journey to the United States that began his second life, one just as filled with drama and heartache. In years of peace, Rags served as a reminder to human survivors of what held men together when pushed past their limits by the horrors of battle.
The author donates 40% of his royalties off sales to Nowzad Dogs!
The Animals That Helped Win World War I - Jennifer Nalewicki
"Rags, the WWI hero dog, is featured in BC biographer's new book" - Sheryl MacKay and Gavin Fisher, CBC
"Rags: World War I Dog Hero" - Kate Kelly, America Comes Alive
Advance praise for From Stray Dog to World War I Hero...
“A vivid, riveting, true tale of courage and compassion. . . . I fell in love with Rags, and I’ll be first in line for the movie!”—Maria Goodavage, author of Top Dog: The Story of Marine Hero Lucca
“Simply brilliant. An inspired storyteller. . . . Those who consider themselves dog lovers should read this book.”—Mary Elizabeth Thurston, author of The Lost History of the Canine Race
“Utterly charming, and if you love dogs, this will prove irresistible!”
—Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, author of Dogs Never Lie About Love

Written with the cooperation of President Jimmy Carter and his family, this book provides an intimate glimpse inside the life of the woman who—as nurse, mother and social justice activist in segregated southwest Georgia—made a lifelong habit of breaking the rules defining a woman’s place in and out of the home and the status of blacks in society. As the only white nurse in her rural community who cared for black families, as a 68-year-old Peace Corps Volunteer in 1960s India, as a fearless supporter of civil rights and as a First Mother unlike any other, Lillian Carter showed how individual courage, conviction and compassion can make a difference.
Drawing on interviews with friends and colleagues, members of the Plains, Georgia, black community, Peace Corps Volunteers who trained with her, White House insiders and key players in the civil rights movement, as well as letters, documents and photographs never before made public, this book captures the essence of the woman the press dubbed “Rose Kennedy without the hair dye” and “First Mother of the world.”
See the author talk about Lillian Carter and his book on C-SPAN 3